Thursday, 9 February 2012

Stress busting smoothie recipe!!!

I found this recipe whilst browsing for a new smoothie recipe. I love smoothies and have one every day, they are great when you're struggling to eat something. One advantage is you know you're getting your daily intake of nutrients and vitamins. So very important when fighting that anxiety or depression!! And lord knows the STRESS!. I'm going to try this one over the weekend. I'll post an update on what it was like :)

Stress-busting smoothie

This smoothie will fight the causes of stress


50g celery
50g fennel
125g Romaine lettuce
175g chopped pineapple
100ml pineapple juice
ice cubes

Stress depletes your body of essential nutrients and can lead to headaches, indigestion, irritability and joint pain. The celery and fennel calm nerves, the Romaine lettuce has a sedative effect and the pineapple acts as a digestive aid. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and high levels of vitamin C to give your immune system a boost. The pineapple juice stops it from being an unpalatable green mess.
Smoothie recipe adapted from Miracle Juices by Amanda Cross (Hamlyn, £12.99)

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